Friday, January 2, 2009

nothing wasted
renew.repurpose.recreate.using life’s leftovers.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! So, how many resolutions have you already broken?!?!? I haven’t made a new one in a long time….I just carry over the same ones year after year that never seem to make it very far into the year! But I got a lovely new t-shirt (wonderfully soft bamboo for goodness sakes) for my birthday this year with a green-themed sentiment that seems to encapsulate all resolutions – LIVE MINDFULLY! Isn’t that great? This pretty much covers it all, doesn’t it? Eco-minded, relationship-minded, health-minded, spiritually-minded… name it. So I’m making it my Resolution for 2009 – not to just exist through the days and years, but be aware, deliberate and mindful of everything I do. Pretty hard to do but worth the process, I think. How about you? Let’s LIVE MINDFULLY!

I haven’t worked on any nothing wasted projects since the Fall HEART SELLEBRATION. I have a garage full of things just waiting for me so I’ve picked a couple of projects to start off the year.

Know what these are?

Yep, vintage shoe stretchers.

What about these?


Keep checking my blog & I’ll show you in my next newsletter what I'll make with these lovely items...

Although there is a Spring HEART SELLEBRATION in the works, you may always contact me regarding any project you see here or if you need a unique gift for a special person.

Shaker Style Chalkboard with drawer

Chalkboard Bed Tray

Wine Cork Tray

I can also help you design a special piece using your very own Life’s Leftovers! Do you have a piece of Grandma’s china that is broken? A favorite toy or t-shirt of your child’s? Sentimental jewelry that is unwearable, broken or just doesn’t fit your personal style? Is there something in your closet that you’re attached to & just can’t bring yourself to throw out?

As usual, I am open to taking any Life’s Leftovers that you don’t want. Just contact me! And as usual, your reward for reading to the end…..


Reuse & repurpose the Christmas cards (or birthday, anniversary, etc.) you received. Cut the decorative part into smaller pieces or leave as one piece. Use a hole punch, attach ribbon, and use as future gift tags. Pinking shears or scrapbook scissors make great decorative edges. Glued onto card stock, these could even be used as cards for next year.
Idea submitted by Sherrie Aguirre

live mindfully
Chrystal Corcoran